
At The Carbone Clinic, our mission is to provide evidence-based behaviour analytic services to learners with autism and other developmental disabilities. We accomplish this by travelling to you and ensuring that the learner’s progress occurs through the arrangement of teaching environments which are positive and designed to allow the learner to continue to develop language and other important skills in their typical community and family settings. We provide services in nurseries, schools, homes and in the community. During consultation we determine the instructional needs of individual learners through appropriate assessment methods. Functional assessment and development of behaviour reduction plans for individual learners can be conducted as needed as part of the consultation service.


Consultation services can be provided to individual learners or groups / classrooms of learners. Interventions are based on the principles of applied behaviour analysis and incorporate Skinner’s analysis of verbal behaviour. The goal of instruction is for our learners to make socially significant progress and examples of areas that services may focus on include teaching functional communication skills, increasing independence by teaching daily living and leisure skills, teaching appropriate alternatives to destructive or harmful problem behaviours, increasing positive interactions with peers and teaching adaptive social skills and teaching academic skill.

Our experienced clinical team of BCBA’s are dedicated to empowering learners with tools that will enable them to advance and reach their personal best achievements. Our commitment is to promote positive, meaningful and lasting change in the lives of the children and young people we work with through Applied Behaviour Analysis.

Needs assessment for your school, clinic or home based program

Consultation and training for groups of learners or specific organisations e.g., specialist schools, or classrooms will be tailored to the needs of the organisation but may include on-site consultation, lecture and discussion based training for staff, assessment of the instructional needs of individual learners, programme development and on-site or remote supervision for staff working towards their BCBA.

Training and workshops

In addition to hands-on training for staff and parents, the outreach service provides theoretical training for groups of individuals within an organisation, for example, providing inset training to teaching staff. Training materials and topics will be tailored to the needs of the organisation


The Carbone Clinic offers in clinic assessments and consultation to families and their support teams within our clinics in Dubai, London and Manchester.

Assessments can be one to five days tailored to the needs of the child and their support team culminating in a comprehensive assessment report, written individualised program and intervention plan.

The assessment includes a determination of the teaching methods which appear to facilitate your child’s acquisition of important skills. Through hands-on coaching, your child’s team and/or parents will be trained to implement the most effective teaching procedures.

The assessment will be conducted by one of our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA). A full range of skill domains, e.g., language, play, socialization, self-care etc, are assessed including those identified in either the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment & Placement Program (VB-MAPP, Sundberg, 2008) or Essential For Living Assessment & Curriculum guide (McGreevy et al. 2012).

Problem behavior that includes self-injury or behavior that interferes with learning will receive priority attention during the assessment.

A final written report and documents outlining the recommendations will be sent out within two weeks of the final assessment day.